Since 240312 ; <3
And He Said,
Even If I'm Not There,
Monday, July 30, 2012, 7:52 AM

So much for taking such an unglamorous shot of me while I was sleeping.
Well, I think that I was hooked on laughing gas today.

Because I couldn't stop laughing. But let's not go into that now.
Had my final UT2 today, and baby fetched me from school! <3
That forgetful boy, he went out of the house without his bypass. Again. Hence, we decided to settle dinner together.
Brought him to eat the most delightful cheesecake ever, and he got a shock as he thought that it wouldn't taste good. Well, it did. We had western food after that, though I kinda regret eating steak as my teeth is hurting from all that chewing.
On the way home, baby then tried tickling me.
I swear, he's the craziest boy ever. And the things that he say, god. I've always wondered of how his mind was able to generate such nonsense. Pretty soon, he had me laughing like a crazy b!@?*, and my tummy hurt so badly that I started to rock back and forth. At the bus stop. In front of so many people.
To make matters worst, he said some nonsense about Beethoven possessing me,
hence the rocking of back and forth.

Well, and this continued in the bus.
Baby said that everyone was staring at me, well.
We then had another round of homemade cheesecake made by my sister at my doorstep.
It was acceptable, I guess.
But most importantly, I got to spend a few more minutes with the love of my lifeee. (:
We're going to Anchorpoint tomorrow, and Xin Wang Cafe, here we comeeeeeeeeee! <3 To end this post off, here's another glamorous picture of him.

And that's all for today!
I love you hun, you make my days worth living. Every laugh and every smile that I show when I'm with you, they're real. They're more genuine than you could ever imagine.
See you tomorrow for breakfast love!
Natalie Ishot
Friday, July 27, 2012, 9:04 AM
And tadaaaaaaa ~ wasn't i right ?
Sleep tight cutiepie <3
8:47 AM
Wamth, Love and Happiness
Hello babygirl ! See , i kept my promise of updating this blog :)
Thank you for the video that you've made for me baby, i swear it's really touching to see a timeline of such an important relationship all the way from the beginning to right now. It just brings back all the memories that i have of how we met during that shoe game where we cheated, the times that we missed each other but didn't know how to tell one another, till now, the time where i can call you mine and you can call me yours :) The cookies you gave me, i'm so sorry but they were so yummy i finished half the packet in a day :(
So i rushed over to century square to collect the present i had for this special girl of mine, it was the only one left and i didn't want anyone to have it other than her. I then met this cute girl at woodlands and surprised her with her favourite soft toy, Stitch ! It's really cute to see you hug your stitch everywhere you go baby, *beams*.
So we took a bus all the way down to Anchorpoint and it was a super long journey. I used to hate taking long bus rides, but going on super long bus rides with you is just enjoyable. We were both super sleepy on that day and we took turns sleeping on each other's shoulder for close to an hour before getting off the bus.
There's a reason on why i brought you to Gyu-kaku baby! My family dines at Gyu-kaku whenever there's something special happening and you're my family too! Even though everyday's special with you, i know that you'll go "omg fat fat fat, i'm on a dieeeeeet!" if i brought you here every single day.
So we had a total of 4 different types of dishes and i have to say that the Prime Wagyu Karubi that they have is simply delicious.
We ordered 2 plates of these with Rock Salt marination and my goodness, it was the first time i've seen my babygirl eat so much meat before!
So we spent 2 hours sitting there, enjoying the food and sharing funny stories of each other like we always do. We've come to a stage where we can talk about anything under the sun and listening to each other's embarrassing moments brings us closer than ever.
All stitch did was sit across the table listening to our chit chats, how niceeeee! I once joked on how i would like stitch to be able to talk one day, but after all that he've heard and seen, i would like to take back on what i've wished for :)
After Gyu-kaku, it was time for baby's favourite, Ice-cream! Instead of marble's, we decided to try something different!
Small cup, but they serve you a really really huge scoop of ice cream. I guess we both liked Salted Caramel the most because of it's exotic flavour. It isn't something you can find in many ice cream shops, and yes baby it's fattening but admit it, it was fun eating such a big cup of ice cream isn't it? :)
We then went home after all the food and desert feeling the warmth and love that we have for each other. This monthsary was a really really special one <3
One last note before i end off,
To the girl that i'll always love,
Thank you for everything that you've given hun, i really do appreciate it. There are times when we get annoyed , angry or even disappointed with each other, but we will always solve everything before we end up having that one last kiss before going home and we go home feeling happy. It's been amazing being with you this 4 months and i'll always want to feel this way.
I love you Natalie, and i'll always do. What i've said on the sofa today, i mean it with all my heart. I know that by the time i'm finishing up this post, you've probably have fallen asleep.
Sleep tight hun and sweet dreams :) I'll see you tomorrow alright?
Your Babyboy
Monday, July 23, 2012, 5:42 PM

And No baby,
You're not supposed to eat them all at once,
Or you'll get a sore throat.
Plenty of water okay? (:
Natalie Ishot
6:19 AM

Happy 4th Monthsary babyboy,
And from here, I present to you the blog that I've made for the two of us! (:
Well, it's not much, but a lot of effort had been put into it! I'm sorry for not listening to you, and sleeping late at night..
I just wanted to finish all of these for you, the love of my life. The video, the cookies, and this blog.
You simply mean so much to me.

I mean like, for every time that I hold you close, I never ever want to let go.
And whenever I see you, there's this little girl inside of me that jumps for joy. There's nothing else better than seeing you, and knowing that I am yours.
I love you, I really do.
I just wanna let you know that, nothing can ever replace you. No matter how hard times are, no matter how difficult things are gonna get, I'm always gonna be here, holding your hand, and going through them with you, one by one.
You're my everything, and as cliche as this might sound,
I would be nothing without you.
Whenever you smile, I'd beam like "oh my god, I'm drowning in ice cream."
Whenever you feel sad, I feel really depressed. All I ever want is for you, to be happy.
And whenever you're angry, and you're ranting like a !@#??! ...
Well, I don't rant with you, but I listen.
Because honestly, you ranting is like a comic book full of colours and pictures. And it's kinda comical.
But anyway, I know that at times, I can be the bitchiest, craziest, most hot-tempered girl in the world, especially when I'm having my PMS. That's the only period of time where I go all girly, and the word

is literally plastered to my forehead.
I'm sorry love, if I've been unreasonable, or naggy, or annoying as hell, but hey, there goes the saying,

Okay, that was really girly but, nevermind.
Well, I'll be making you the author of this blog, right when you're reading this! (:
I hope that you like the cooookiessss, because it's butterscotch pecan and butterscotch is really sweet, just like me.
*hair flip*
Actually, you're not allowed to dislike anything.
But I love you.
Even though what I'm saying doesn't really make sense.
Does it?
Happy 4th Monthsary once again!
Since 24th March 2012, and counting on,
Natalie Ishot